Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace Policy Revisions


On December 18, 2020, the State Personnel Board approved revisions to the Division of Personnel (DOP) Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace policy (DOP-P2).  Revisions to the policy expand the definitions of alcohol, illegal drugs, and legal drugs.  Specifically, the definition of legal drugs was expanded to cover lawful distribution of medical cannabis legalized by the West Virginia Medical Cannabis Act.  In addition, the policy has been revised to address the use of other intoxicants and to prohibit attempts to obtain, possess, purchase, manufacture, distribute, dispense, or sell alcohol or illegal drugs in the workplace.

In addition to the policy, the DOP has developed guidance material regarding the use of medical cannabis in the workplace.  The Medical Cannabis FAQ and revised policy may be found on the DOP website at Policies and Interpretive Bulletins.

Agencies are responsible to communicate the Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace policy and ensure an updated Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace Acknowledgment Form is maintained in each employee's agency personnel file.

Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact the Employee Relations Section at 304-414-1853.

Contact Information

WV DOP, 304-558-3950