Supervisor’s Toolbox


The Division of Personnel has assembled a “toolbox” of documents designed to assist State agency supervisors and managers with applying best practices in dealing with a variety of critical human resources issues.  All documents are provided in PDF format.  Some of these files are large.  If you encounter problems clicking the PDF link, try saving the file to your local computer.  To do this right-click the PDF link and select the “Save Target As” option.  After saving the file, locate the file and open it from the local folder.  You may need to upgrade to a more recent version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader.


  • Employee Discipline:​ Provides extensive information on progressive discipline and the correct steps in the disciplinary process. 

  • Non-Disciplinary Suspension:​ A reference guide to assist supervisors and HR in administering non-disciplinary suspensions pending investigations or criminal proceedings.

  • Record Keeping ​Requirements: This guide addresses record keeping and retention requirements such as what records to keep, how long to keep them, and where to find the most up-to-date requirements.​

NOTE: These documents should not be construed to supersede any law, rule, or policy. In the case of any inconsistencies, the statutory and regulatory provisions shall prevail. For assistance, call the Employee Relations staff at 304-414-1853.