Equal Employment Opportunity Information

​​​If you need assistance with an equal employment opportunity (EEO) issue, please complete the EEO Complaint Form​, and submit it to your agency’s coordinator/counselor. If you are unsure of your representative or have additional questions, please contact DOP’s Employee Relation section at 304-414-1853.

​Individuals seeking assistance with an EEO-related matter can expect the following:​
  • Confidentiality when discussing options with an EEO counselor at your agency.
  • The West Virginia Division of Personnel and agency EEO counselors are neutral parties and will not act as an advocate for any individual or agency.
  • The opportunity to participate in efforts to resolve the problem through informal resolution at an agency.
  • An individual may address an EEO-related matter with their supervisor or the agency EEO counselor. The individual is also free to pursue other legal options.

Americans with Disabilities Act
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities and provides equal opportunities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, state and local government services, and telecommunications.

The State Equal Opportunity Coordinator assists with formulating rules, standards, and programs to ensure ADA compliance.​ If you need assistance with an ADA issue, please contact your agency's human resources office or the DOP’s Employee Relation section at 304-414-1853.

  • Advising and assisting in the development of comprehensive policies and programs to assure compliance with federal laws;
  • Assisting in the creation of rules and standards relating to the review, investigation and resolution of complaints of discrimination in employment,
  • Education, housing, and public accommodation;
  • Representing the state on local, state, and national committees and panels related to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Act;
  • Advising the Governor and agency heads on ADA and EEO issues; and
  • Educating managers and supervisors on regulations and related issues.​
Federal Laws and Guidance 

For more on federal laws and guidance, visit www.eeoc.gov/l​aws-guidance.​

The Division of Personnel offers several training topics related to EEO issues. These can be found on the state's learning management system, CourseMill​. 

Resources for State Residents
​​​​​​​​Are you a resident of West Virginia and need guidance? Below is a list of organizations that may be able to assist you.

American with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Protects people with disabilities from discrimination
800-514-0301   |   https://www.ada.gov

Developmental Disabilities Council
Assures that West Virginia Citizens with developmental disabilities receive the proper support, services and other forms of assistance that they need to achieve independence, exercise self-determination, productivity, and inclusion in the community
​304-558-0416   |   

Disability Rights of West Virginia
Federally mandated protection and advocacy system for people with disabilities in West Virginia (Private, nonprofit agency)
304-346-0847   |   www.drofwv.org

EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
Global Companies and Organizations that are based out of a State that is not West Virginia
1-800-669-4000   |   https://eeoc.gov

Herbert Henderson Office of Minority Affairs 
304-356-2023   |   https://minorityaffairs.wv.gov

Human Rights Commission of West Virginia
Companies, Organizations that are not a West Virginia State Agency
304-558-2616   |   https://hrc.wv.gov

West Virginia Division of Labor (ADA)
Provides assistance to every business, consumer, employee and resident in West Virginia
​304-558-7890   |   https://labor.wv.gov

Women's Commission of West Virginia
Lifting the power and potential of Women and Girls in the State of West Virginia 
​304-356-2023   |   https://dhhr.wv.gov​