New Online Training Release - 3rd Installment in the Leave Series


The Employee Relations and OHRD sections of the Division of Personnel are thrilled to announce the launch of the third installment in our series of online leave training programs, "Leave as an Accommodation."

This informative training is tailored to assist human resources personnel, managers, and supervisors in understanding the Americans with Disabilities Act and its interaction with other State leave entitlements.

You'll learn how to effectively manage leave as an accommodation in the workplace and be up-to-date with the latest regulations and best practices. This training is self-paced and takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Untangling the Web of State Leaves with FMLA, and FMLA Beyond the Basics are prerequisites to Leave as an Accommodation.

Elevate your understanding and enhance your skills with this valuable Human Resources training series by registering at

Contact Information

WV DOP-Employee Relations, 304-414-1853