Military Leave Forms, Information, and Rights

​State employees hired for permanent employment are entitled to a maximum of 60 days (480 hours) of paid military leave as follows:
  • Members of the National Guard or any of the federal armed services reserve components are permitted up to 30 days (240 hours) of paid military leave for eligible activities.

  • Employees who are called or ordered to active duty by a proper federal authority are permitted up to an additional 30 days (240 hours) of paid military leave for eligible activities.

Employees who must be off work longer than the 30- or 60-day limit are eligible to use their accrued annual leave if they desire to continue receiving pay. Once the annual leave expires OR if an employee elects not to use accrued annual leave, a personal leave of absence without pay must be requested and must be approved.

For the full provisions of military leave, including eligible activities, return to work information, and other forms, information, and rights, see the links below: