Supervising for Success I: Critical Skills for Supervisors


Audience: Supervisors/Managers
Component I - DOP-Policy 18
Instructors: ​Nicole Michaelis, M.A., M.P.A.;  Aju James​, Ph.D.;  Jon Castleberry
Contact Hours: 18 Hours

Course Description:
Being a new supervisor in the public sector can be a complex transition. How can you make sure you have the knowledge and skills you need to make the successful transition? Supervising for Success I: Critical Skills for Supervisors is designed for front-line supervisors who are beginning their careers as state government leaders. The program has been designed to answer the questions that most often challenge new supervisors:

  • What are the differences between supervision and leadership?
  • What am I expected to accomplish in my role as a supervisor?
  • How do I avoid the ethical and legal minefields of supervision?
  • How do I keep myself focused and on-track?
  • How can I address performance gaps effectively and efficiently?
  • How can I create a motivating environment for my employees?
  • How do I promote employee accountability for results?
  • How do I handle difficult conversations with my employees?
  • How do I influence my supervisor?
  • How do I build trusting relationships with my staff and colleagues?

Your attendance in Critical Skills for Supervisors (CSS) will provide answers to those and other key questions about the challenging world of public sector management and leadership. In the process, you will receive training on management tools, techniques, and systems critical to your effectiveness. Invest in a successful future and sign up today!

Note: All supervisors/managers must enroll in and complete Supervising for Success I: Critical Skills for Supervisors as per DOP-P18 requirements.

​SFS I: Critical Skills for Supervisors (OHRD231 / OHRD231-VT)​ - CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

​2025 Virtual Sessions:
​February 18 - March 27: Google Meet:​
Feb. 25, March 4, 11, & 18, 9:30AM - 12:00PM
April 22 - May 29: ​Google Meet:​
​​Apr. 29, May 6, 13, & 20​, 9:30AM - 12:00PM​

​2025 Classroom Sessions:

​April 15 - 17
​9:00AM - 4:00PM
Capitol Bldg. 3 - 1st Floor Conference Room