Sample Documents and Letters

Below are links to sample documents and letters for a variety of Human Resources topics and actions.
These sample documents are intended to be used as a reference for creating agency-specific documents on a variety of subjects. The general information they contain should not be construed to supersede any law, rule, or policy. In the case of any inconsistencies, the statutory and regulatory provisions shall prevail. In addition, the current version of the documents below supersede all previous versions.
Supervisors should also refer to Division of Personnel and internal policies, rules, and regulations, as well as consult with the human resources office within his or her respective agency. For technical assistance concerning specific situations, contact DOP Employee Relations at 304-414-1853.

Note: These sample documents are View Only. To create your own editable copy, Select File > Make a copy or File > Download.​ Make a copy will create an editable copy in your personal Google Drive. The download option will download an editable Word version to your desktop.​​​