Before You Begin …

Completing the Division of Personnel’s Online Application is really very simple if you have all your information assembled and available as you complete the form. The process takes an average of 30-60 minutes, and is dependent upon the number of jobs you have had and if you have gathered your information ahead of time.

CAUTION: NEVER, EVER apply using another person’s account. Create your own.

Before you begin the actual process of applying, make sure you have chosen and have the following available:

  1. Current and previous employment information (paid and unpaid), including name of employer, address, phone number, and supervisor’s name. When you begin completing the application:  

    • List your experience beginning with your most recent job and work backwards. 

    • For all experience (paid and unpaid), you’ll need starting and ending dates (month and year), and a specific description of your job duties. 

    • To receive credit for your experience (full- or part-time or volunteer), you must include your number of hours worked per week.

    • If you supervised employees, list that information as the first thing in your description of your job duties and include the number of employees. 

  2. Although a list of references and their contact information is not required for the Division of Personnel’s actual application process, it will be helpful for you to have the information already included in the event you are called to interview. You’ll need names, addresses, and phone numbers for your references. If you don’t want to include this information now, you can provide it to your interviewer if you are contacted.  

  3. A Username that you select. Have at least three variations available in case your primary choice is already in use.  

  4. A Password that you select. Your Password must:

    • Be eight or more characters in length,

    • Contain at least one letter and one number, and

    • Contain at least one symbol or special character – examples include any of the following: 

                                         !  @  #  $  %  ^  &  *  (  )  {  }  [  ]

  5. A valid, personal email address, if you have one. Although an email address is not required for the Division of Personnel process, one will be needed if it becomes necessary to recover your Username and/or Password.

  6. A specific name for your application, which is actually your master application.
    • You can name it anything you like; however, because you will reuse this master application, choose a unique name. DO NOT name it after the job title. Examples commonly used include Master App, Main Application, Primary, and My App. You can can choose something more personal with your name or initials like John’s App, About Jane, or JQP. 
    • It doesn’t matter if someone else has used the same name you choose. Your application will be under your account only and is unique to you.  
  7. Be sure to write down both your Username and Password, but keep them in a private, secure location.​
  8. If you successfully complete all the steps in the application process, you will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours. If you do not receive this confirmation email, it means we did not receive your application. Go back into your account and make sure you completed all the steps. 


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