The Creditable Service (tenure) Computation Form can be used to compute employee service time in total days. Total months is also computed for individual reference. Only total days should be used to compare employee service time. The program computes the number of days between employment period dates. Both the beginning and ending dates are counted. You may indicate any partial or fractional beginning and/or ending day. Also, you can indicate any periods less than 100% full-time (FTE). Note: Creditable service rules may differ by usage (RIF, increment pay, retirement, etc.). Please refer questions about tenure rules to the appropriate agency.

Simply enter data on the form as indicated, then click the Equals button button. Below is an image of a completed form. You can use 2 or 4 digit years. Percentages may be entered as decimals or whole numbers. Blank percentage boxes count as 100 percent or 1.0 as a decimal. At any time you may change any entry and re-compute the total.

Creditable Service Form Image

There is an optional ID box at the top of the form. Use this box if you want any ID, such as name, SSN, class code, etc., on a printed form. You should separate ID items with commas.
For example: Smith, Mary, 555-12-1234, 9006
Use TAB or the mouse to move from form box to box. Do not use the ENTER key.
Click any blue column heading in the form for a pop-up hint about that field.

Employment Dates

Simply enter each employment period. Omit any periods of non-creditable time. Use the date format: 5/13/04 or 5/13/2004. A 2-digit year is OK for dates between 1950 and 2049. Any combination of dates is acceptable. Be careful in entering dates. Proof the list. Illogical or incorrect dates may yield incorrect results. For reference, there is a link at the top of the form to a Pop-up Calendar for any month and year.

Partial Beginning and/or Ending Dates (% First, % Last columns)

If an employment period begins or ends on a partial day, enter the decimal part (percent) of the day counted as creditable service time. For example, if the period started at mid-morning, and the employee worked 6 of 8 hours that day, you would enter .75 (6/8). The decimal point is optional. Omit the % sign. Likewise, if a period ended at mid-morning, and the employee worked 2 of 8 hours that day, you would enter .25 (2/8). Click the "% First" or "% Last" column heading to view a pop-up table of equivalent work hours and percentages. The agency should use a consistent procedure in counting partial work days.
Special rule: In rare cases the "From" date and "To" date will be the same. That's OK. Only one day will be counted. If, however, that one day is also a partial day, enter the partial percent in the % First box only. Leave the % Last box blank. This is necessary to avoid a double deduction.

Percent of Full-time (% FT column)

If the employee worked less than full-time during the period, enter the percentage of full-time in the % FT box. Service time for the period will be computed based on the percentage entered. For example, if the employee worked half-time, 1/2, or 50%, of the equivalent full-time days are counted. Click the column label (% FT) for a pop-up calculator for converting part-time to full-time.

You are only required to enter a percentage if it is less than 100%. Percentage boxes left blank are treated as full days and full-time.

Be sure to check your data. You can make corrections or changes to any data item and re-compute the totals at any time.

More than 20 employment period.

The form has space for 20 employment periods. If you need more space, proof the list and compute the Total Days by clicking the Equals button button. Print the results as a permanent record. Review the printout. When you are satisfied, clear the form by clicking the [C] button. Now, enter the Total Days from the printout in the Days Subtotal box at the top of the blank form. Also enter the Months Subtotal. Begin a new list of employment periods. When you click Equals button, any amounts in the Subtotal boxes will be added to the new cumulative totals. (The Total Days and Total Months are always the last cumulative totals, plus any previous subtotals.) You can continue with any number of new dates to arrive at the grand total for any number of employment periods.

You can also use this procedure to add employment periods to any previous list, without re-entering the dates. As long as the old dates are unchanged, you can enter the old totals and the new dates.

Reports for more than one employee.

How to create an ordered list of employees in creditable service (tenure).
This web form procedure does not save form data or results to a disk file. Consequently, in order to create a Creditable Service list for several employees you must copy and paste, or type the "ID" and "Totals" of each computation into external software such as a wordprocessor (table), database, or spreadsheet. This should be reasonably easy if you only need the ID and total days. The top line in the report box at the bottom of the form will show the ID and totals.
image of report box at bottom of form

Cut and paste this line into your wordprocessor. Each data field will be separated by a comma. You should be able to save this list as a TEXT file. Then, import the data into a database. The commas will indicate to the database program where each field begins and ends. Once you have the totals in a table you can sort and format the report as needed. Make sure you proof and print each employment dates list for reference.
A simple summary report might look like this:

Name SSN Total days
Carter, Howard 999-99-9998 7321.5
Campollion, Francis 333-88-8881  945.0
Morrison, Marion Michael 777-33-1234  734.75

Cautionary note.

This form is provided for the convenience of agencies. While every effort has been made to determine the accuracy of the results, the user must assume final responsibility for the usefulness of this information for any particular purpose. Since creditable service rules may vary depending on usage (RIF, increment pay, retirement, etc.), please refer questions to the appropriate agency.

Time in Years, Months

In some cases you may want to compute employment periods in "years and months". Due to the fact that years and months are not of equal length, and some employees have breaks in employment, years and months should not be used for the exact comparison of employee service time. The Total Months can be used, and is accurate, as a measure of individual employee service time. The report at the bottom of the form shows the total in years and months. Some creditable service procedures, such as retirement and service award intervals, typically use years and months. By convention, minor differences in year or month length do not affect accuracy or usage.

If you have any questions or suggestions, contact Mike Campbell 558-3950 x 57260.

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