STEP 1. Select the employee's last work date.


STEP 2. Enter Unused Leave Hours:

Unused Leave: hours converted to work days
Step 3. Enter dollar Increment Entitlement based on full years as of last day worked. OR, Enter full years. [Hint] Note: Convert Part-time to equivalent full time. Don't type $ sign.
Step 4. Adjustment. Use only if the employee was employed after July 1 of the increment year. Enter amount. [Note below.]
                 Pro Rata Increment =
Instructions: Use this calculator to compute pro rata increment payment amounts for separating employees. Contact the Employee Information/Transaction Processing Section (558-3950 ext. 57202) if you have questions. Enter data as indicated. If the employee began employment after July 1 of this increment year, see the Special Note.  You should be reasonably familiar with the Annual Increment Policy. Please read the special instructions below, as well as our Annual Increment Guidance Material.

Though the calculator will calculate the pro rata amount for employees who separate with only three 3 years of service, the employee does not become eligible for annual increment until July 1 of the year upon which 3 years of service is achieved. If the employee has three (3) years of service but separates prior to July 1 at which time he or she would be come “newly eligible,” he or she is ineligible for pro rata increment payment (See DOP Annual Increment Policy section III.A.1 and W.Va. Code § 5-5-2(b).

The user must assume responsibility as to the usefulness of this online procedure.

Determining the increment service credit value of unused annual leave.

In computing creditable service time for pro rata increment, you must include the work time value of any unused annual leave, even if it is paid in a lump sum. This value effectively extends the pro rata increment date beyond the employee's last work day.

NOTE: Unused terminal leave cannot be used to increase the the employee's full years of creditable increment service. For example: Suppose an employee's 10 year employment anniversary date is March 1. Also, suppose this employee's separation date is February 1 with unused annual leave time extended to March 8th. The employee's increment entitlement, based on full years (not counting terminal leave time) would remain at 9 years.

To find the final increment date, you select the last day worked on the calendar. Then, enter the unused annual leave in hours. Hours are converted to days based on 8 hours per day. Click the button to "Advance the Calendar" to the pro rata increment date. Annual leave is converted to increment creditable service time by counting forward the equivalent number of regular work days. The program skips weekend days, but not holidays. Increment service credit is not given for holidays occurring during terminal annual leave. Note: in many cases only a fractional part of the final day will counted. This is due to the fact that unused leave rarely corresponds to an even number of days.

Example. An employee's last day worked is Friday, March 31, 2007. Step 1. We select this date on the calendar. This employee elects to have 125.5 hours of unused annual leave paid in lump sum. Step 2. Enter leave. For pro-rata increment purposes, 125.5 hours is converted to days. (125.5 / 8 = 15.688 days) Next, we Click 'Advance Calendar'. The calendar advances 15.688 regular work days from March 31. The effective pro rata increment creditable service date is Monday, April 23, 2007. Note that the last day is actually .688 of a full day. Finally in Step 3, we enter the increment entitlement based on full years of increment service (not counting terminal annual leave). ($1560 = $60 X 26 yrs.) Click Compute.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: If an employee's unused annual leave extends the date of creditable increment service past June 30th, the employee must receive the full increment for the current year AND also receive a pro-rata amount for the leave time extending into the next increment year. For example, an employee's last work day is June 15, 2010 with creditable increment service of 18 years. (Full year increment entitlement: 18 X $60 = $1080) The employee's unused leave advances the calendar 30 work days to to July 27th. This employee would receive the full $1080 increment for the current year. In addition, the employee would be entitled to the pro-rata increment amount for the period July 1st through July 27th of the following increment year ($78.39, Total due: $1158.39). If this occurs the calculator report will show the current year amount plus the additional pro-rated amount due.

Step 4, Special Note: This applies to terminating eligible employees who were employed AFTER July 1 of the increment year. This might occur if an employee left state service and was subsequently re-employed after July 1. In such cases, you must subtract the increment amount for the months prior to employment. Important: This only applies to terminating employees. Persons who were hired after July 1 and who are on the payroll at the end of the increment year (June 30) must receive the full increment amount based on total increment creditable service.

To adjust for a terminating employee who was hired after July 1, first compute the increment amount for the date one day prior to the employee's first day on your payroll. Usually, this will be the last day in the previous pay period. Do NOT enter any unused leave. Write down (print) the increment amount reported. Clear the form. Now, compute the increment for last date on the your payroll. Enter unused leave to advance calendar to last date of creditable service for increment. In step 4, enter the first computed increment amount (Adjustment). This amount will be subtracted from the total, resulting in a net increment for the time employed.

Example: An individual was employed by the State Police and retired with 20 years of service. This person was subsequently employed by the Bureau of Employment Programs, effective September 1, 2006. This same employee resigned from the Bureau with a last day on payroll of April 15, 2007 with 24 hours unused annual leave. Calculate as follows:

  1. Compute increment for date, August 31 (day prior to employment) with 20 years service. Leave step 2 blank. Note amount computed. ($166.66 for 2 months)
  2. Clear form.
  3. Compute increment for April 15 with 24 hrs. annual leave. (Credit date: 4/18) Enter previous amount, 166.66, in Step 4.
  4. Resulting increment amount will show an adjustment for 2 months prior to employment. $800 - $166.66 = $633.34 net increment due.

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